

Welcome to my blog. Just doing my best over here. Come on in.

More than a photo.

More than a photo.

2004 - 2018: An Evolution

Passport 2x2 Tip: Make it a Mood.

Everyone seems to have their own philosophy when it comes to taking 2x2 photos. If you are looking to inject some fun into your photos, I recommend the 80/20 philosophy here. 80 percent mind and 20 percent mood. Let’s use the passport photo as an example.

Passport Photo Basics:

  1. Submit a color photo, taken in last 6 months

  2. Use a clear image of your face. Do not use filters commonly used on social media.

  3. Have someone else take your photo. No selfies.

  4. Take off your eyeglasses for your photo.

  5. Use a plain white or off-white background

  6. Added by me: Turn the first thing that comes to your mind into a MOOD.

An evolution of my 80/20: Mind/Mood:



“I should let my hair down, I think I look prettier when it is down. Rocco will see this photo, I want him to think I look pretty. Should I smile? I have braces, okay, no smile”

Mood: Babe

Passport 2.jpeg


“Whoa, my first passport! I am going to Europe. I am glad I wore this scarf”

Mood: So chic

Mood 3.jpeg


“I was mugged at gunpoint and my passport was stolen”

Mood: (nothing)

Mood 4.jpeg


"I just unsubscribed from 50 mailing lists”

Mood: I will destroy you

Hosting a party the 80/20 way

Hosting a party the 80/20 way